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Our Work

Through our different options we help children to sharp their skills and sportsmanship. Kids develop strategic thinking, team spirt, healthy competitiveness and passion for the game of chess. See below our different options and select which one will fit you the best. Remember we are here to guide and support you and your children in their journey through the amazing world of chess play, so feel free to contact us should you have any question.

Thank you.

Yaniet Marrero

Chess Grand Master and YM Chess Academy head Coach



Private Lessons


Our purpose of a private lesson goes beyond the simple teaching of chess. For each student we develop a personalized program that includes tactics, strategy, endgames, openings and play time (Lessons typically last 60 minutes and are divided into short segments). Personalized work gives us the opportunity to increase your progress rate by correcting weaknesses and reinforcing strengths as well as observing psychological factors such as motivation, confidence and emotional intelligence.

Group Lessons

Group lessons are a fun way to learn chess with your friends and meet new ones. These are classified according to age and chess level and are planned accordingly. Each level includes a 1-hour lesson weekly or twice a week during each academic semester.  The player who successfully completes the program can move on to the next level.


School Chess Club

As part of our mission to promote chess for children and the importance of including it in the school program, our academy is pleased to offer chess club in the classroom. Our program adapts to the different ages and abilities of children, and we focus on making it easy and fun. With our systematic lessons students will be taught decision-making skills, pattern recognition, we teach them how to think before acting and much more.

Chess Camp

Our camps will provide a variety of chess-related activities including interactive lessons, game analysis, puzzle games, blitz tournament, guess the move, Dart chess, Bughouse and lots of fun.


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