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Jos Binoye
Jos Binoye

Seasoned & Aggressive Domestic Violence Lawyer Orange County

California has high domestic violence rates, and also strict punishments. If a domestic violence crime is reported to the police, they more often than not take the accused into custody. If you are suffering from domestic abuse or are wrongfully framed, contact the law offices of Jos Family Law. Our domestic violence lawyer Orange County has handled hundreds of DV cases successfully.

If you are a victim, we can help you by putting an immediate end to the violence. We will petition for a restraining order to prevent the accused from contacting you or your loved ones. If you have been wrongfully accused, our domestic violence lawyers in Orange County will refute all such bogus claims and protect you against circumstantial evidence.

Domestic Violence in California 

Domestic violence laws have undergone a lot of changes lately. It may amount to serious punishments such as exorbitant fines and even jail time. Contact a DV attorney if you are wrongly accused, or if you have been suffering from any of the below:

·        Assault

·        Battery

·        Sexual Abuse

·        Stalking

·        Threatening

·        Intimidation

Thus, California recognizes all forms of sexual, physical, mental, and psychological abuse as domestic violence. It can be inflicted by a spouse, partner, ex, family members, or parents.

Apart from penalties and possible jail time, the petitioner may also file a civil lawsuit and recover damages.

For more information on how we can help you, schedule a free consultation with our domestic violence lawyer Orange County. Call Jos Family Law at (714) 733-7066 or send an email to today.


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